Surabaya police again thwart a robbery on the street action Dinoyo Surabaya. Three players were successful robbery legs paralyzed after being shot. Their action initially pretended to be a guest to the house of the victim, then when the victim off guard, one of the perpetrators entered the victim's room to take the money and jewelry. Fortunately, they soon realized the victim of action, then the direct victim yelled, which happened in front of his house there were two policemen.
Baca Juga: Harga bawang goreng 2019
Robbery thwarted police in Surabaya
Motor Ship on Fire, Two Killed
Gemilang Surabaya motor boat on fire at the Soekarno-Hatta port yesterday morning. As a result of the incident killed two crew in the engine room ship roast.
Cement freighter fire triggered a fire that was machined vessels. To avoid spreading of fire, pulling the vessel port side ketengah sea. It is an international rule according to the head of the harbor.
Then, hundreds of officers tried to extinguish the fire. New four hours later the fire was fully contained. After the fire extinguished, officers found two charred bodies the crew inside.
The ship is planned to be carrying cement from Makassar to the harbor Waikelo, East Nusa Tenggara.
Baca Juga: Harga bawang goreng 2019
Dancing transvestites in Surabaya
SURABAYA- Royal Mall Surabaya, yesterday held a unique event, namely dance drag queen. The transvestites are participating in this event must wear kebaya. The event was very entertaining for the visitors Mall. The committee held a welcome event for Kartini's day which falls on 21 March.
Not only the dancing, the participants also have a good dancing and singing. It was funny if a transvestites singing, because his voice is definitely like a man. What nonsense ..
Here's a picture ..
Babies 6 Months Jail participate inhabit Mother
EAST ACEH-a baby boy named Muhammad must live in prison, even since he was only two months. Life is not fair because it was forced to go through the mother in jail for abuse. Mother's name is Farida, age 30, resident Beusa Seubrang, Aceh.
Farida was arrested because a neighbor reported the abuse. Whereas the efforts for peace have been done, even assisted by local authorities. But since he asked for some money and he could not afford it, so he was in prison.
Now Muhammad was six months old, meaning he was not worthy of living life as a baby due to be in jail for four months. That's happened since last January.
It's unfortunate fate. Though the family had tried to arrest of mother Farida is deferred, but the court refused. Even the baby's father, Ismail, was also willing to replace her position so she just being jailed.
I am very sorry for her, baby her age should live in a dank prison room, dirty, and unworthy. She should stay dikasur a soft, smooth and warm blankets, and hugs her parents who loved her dearly.
May he get out of there. Court may provide the best solution, which does not harm anyone.
Three Workers Killed in Malaysia Indonesia
Three Indonesian Manpower Malaysian police shot dead a result, the Indonesian government protested.
JAKARTA-The Government of Indonesia through the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur was officially protested the action shooting of citizens. As we know, Malaysian police have shot dead three Indonesian workers home lacquer Madura.
As representatives of government, the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur citizens questioned the cause of shooting. Because the Malaysian police report does not comply with the testimony of the victim's friends.
Beyond that, the Indonesian government actually respecting the legal process in Malaysia. But it gets a different report, the Indonesian side to question it.
According to the Malaysian police report, they had shot and killed the victims because it threatens the safety of the police. Three citizens were armed robbers who assembled to attack the police. They drove a car. before the shooting, the police actually had to give warning shots but was ignored by the victim.
With the Malaysian police had to shoot three Indonesian citizens. And they died instantly at the scene.
That is the version of the Malaysian police report. In contrast to the friend of the victim's testimony, saying the victim was not armed robbers as reported by Malaysian police. But they are construction workers who can not drive a car, let alone my own car.
Precisely three of them forcibly picked up in a café by a group of people claiming police Malaysia. Then the three of them reportedly died from being shot.
It's weird, who's right and who's testimony has been lying. But as an Indonesian citizen, I prefer to believe the testimony of the victim's friends. Because the rare Indonesian who was there had a car, let alone a firearm. Generally, an Indonesian who worked there as a construction worker.
Later, many cases conducted by the Malaysian police against an Indonesian. They seemed not to regard Indonesia as a human person. Significantly, how treatment of Malaysians towards us.
Powerful quake rattles Indonesia
BANDA ACEH-great earthquake measuring 7.2 Richter yesterday morning (4/7/2010) didn't shake. It was the largest earthquake after the earthquake-tsunami that devastated Aceh and its surrounding lands in last december 2004.
There has been no report of casualties in the disaster. But a local newspaper informs that there are 21 people who rushed to the hospital due to injuries. The victims are guaranteed by the government for medical expenses.
The panic occurred shortly after the earthquake. Because there are informed that the earthquake has the potential tsunami like four years ago. Residents of coastal Aceh-yack away from their homes to higher ground, to avoid the tsunami.
After a few moments later, a new no longer news that the tsunami did not exist. Then they return home to their respective homes. Regarding the losses caused by the earthquake this time, the government could not provide information because it is still in the stage of identification.
But the worst damage caused by the earthquake occurred in southern Teupah subdistrict, district of Simeulue, which is about 150 KM from the west coast of Aceh. Not only destroys buildings, but also create regional electricity was cut off.
That city into darkness due to power failure. There are at least 12 people were injured, and four people seriously injured. All the victims are currently being treated at local hospitals.
Looks like disaster in Indonesia in recent years has never stopped. Maybe God was angry with this nation, or indeed the earth is getting older.
We as citizens are religious, pray that the good is now safe from natural disasters and accidents. Barupa aid distributed by us for food, clothing, medicines, to help relieve our brothers in Aceh there who yesterday became victims of the quake.
Hopefully we are all safe and happy.
Attorney General: It's Bigger Than the case of Gayus
JAKARTA-The flow of funds amounting to 28 billion in the account of Gayus Tambunan, the alleged tax embezzlement case, not the largest. Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Ananlisis (INTRAC) has reported a case that is greater than that, only until now has not been revealed to the public.
But National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri has not confirmed the case. He said he would check first.
Meanwhile, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji confirmed that there is a case bigger than this Gayus. He added there were about two or three tax office officials who are involved this case. but Toto did not mention the amount of rupiah, because it is still in the stage of assessment.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani added, it will tighten supervision of the handling system of taxation. Severe sanctions to employees who are involved will be tax crimes dropped. "kalau memang semuanya bisa cukup untuk memberikan sanksi, itu akan diproses dalam minggu ini ", he said. (-If indeed it can be enough to impose sanctions, it will be processed in this week-)
On the other hand, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked for improvements in tax court. According to him, the tax court is an institution that is not obvious because there is where the illegal agreements in the field of taxation.
Currently in Indonesia, there was a major case of embezzlement of tax money by tax officials Gaius Tambunan. This case also involves the general police found only one star. Namely the former police chief Pol Gen lampung Edmond Ilyas.
This news was very excited in Indonesia, especially before the case of Century Bank is also not yet complete. Indonesian people are now confused.