Indonesia Latest News

Attorney General: It's Bigger Than the case of Gayus

JAKARTA-The flow of funds amounting to 28 billion in the account of Gayus Tambunan, the alleged tax embezzlement case, not the largest. Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Ananlisis (INTRAC) has reported a case that is greater than that, only until now has not been revealed to the public.

But National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri has not confirmed the case. He said he would check first.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji confirmed that there is a case bigger than this Gayus. He added there were about two or three tax office officials who are involved this case. but Toto did not mention the amount of rupiah, because it is still in the stage of assessment.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani added, it will tighten supervision of the handling system of taxation. Severe sanctions to employees who are involved will be tax crimes dropped. "kalau memang semuanya bisa cukup untuk memberikan sanksi, itu akan diproses dalam minggu ini ", he said. (-If indeed it can be enough to impose sanctions, it will be processed in this week-)

On the other hand, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked for improvements in tax court. According to him, the tax court is an institution that is not obvious because there is where the illegal agreements in the field of taxation.

Currently in Indonesia, there was a major case of embezzlement of tax money by tax officials Gaius Tambunan. This case also involves the general police found only one star. Namely the former police chief Pol Gen lampung Edmond Ilyas.

This news was very excited in Indonesia, especially before the case of Century Bank is also not yet complete. Indonesian people are now confused.