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Three Workers Killed in Malaysia Indonesia

Three Indonesian Manpower Malaysian police shot dead a result, the Indonesian government protested.

JAKARTA-The Government of Indonesia through the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur was officially protested the action shooting of citizens. As we know, Malaysian police have shot dead three Indonesian workers home lacquer Madura.

As representatives of government, the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur citizens questioned the cause of shooting. Because the Malaysian police report does not comply with the testimony of the victim's friends.

Beyond that, the Indonesian government actually respecting the legal process in Malaysia. But it gets a different report, the Indonesian side to question it.

According to the Malaysian police report, they had shot and killed the victims because it threatens the safety of the police. Three citizens were armed robbers who assembled to attack the police. They drove a car. before the shooting, the police actually had to give warning shots but was ignored by the victim.

With the Malaysian police had to shoot three Indonesian citizens. And they died instantly at the scene.

That is the version of the Malaysian police report. In contrast to the friend of the victim's testimony, saying the victim was not armed robbers as reported by Malaysian police. But they are construction workers who can not drive a car, let alone my own car.

Precisely three of them forcibly picked up in a café by a group of people claiming police Malaysia. Then the three of them reportedly died from being shot.

It's weird, who's right and who's testimony has been lying. But as an Indonesian citizen, I prefer to believe the testimony of the victim's friends. Because the rare Indonesian who was there had a car, let alone a firearm. Generally, an Indonesian who worked there as a construction worker.

Later, many cases conducted by the Malaysian police against an Indonesian. They seemed not to regard Indonesia as a human person. Significantly, how treatment of Malaysians towards us.