Indonesia Latest News

Floods Soak Thousands of Houses in the town of Trenggalek

Due to heavy rain which flushed Trenggalek town yesterday, six villages in the subdistrict Munjungan inundated. even the floods that have now sunk to a meter road. six villages are submerged Karangturi, Munjungan, Tawing, Masaran, Craken and Bendoroto.

according to local residents, heavy rains that have also made some landslides in a number of cliffs, including damage to the village bridge.

so far no reports of casualties or injuries, before this disaster happened, heavy rains flushed since yesterday afternoon. because most forests in the area has been deforested, the water down to lower areas. which resulted in flooding occurs.

most residents have now been displaced, mainly women and children. 

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